Going Back In Time

IMG_3632After having gone to the ER and staying in bed for days while passing a very painful kidney stone, Christopher decided that we needed to have one of our adventures. We are known for doing spontaneous things, but because of our wedding/life preparing we’ve had to slow down.

We chose (the morning of) to go to Colonial Williamsburg. It’s one of my favorite places. Just the way everything looks there is so…enchanting to me. The gardens, horse and buggy’s, and the way the actors really get into it is fun. Even-though I never know how to respond to them. Despite all the other visitors, you may come to feeling like you’re actually in that time period.





I picked up a couple things while I was there. I wanted way more but…you can’t always get what you want. Lol! I got a cloth doll and some fragrance powder. 🙂

Here I am feeling historically posh…



There were all types of shops(even a working historical post office) and each house has such cute nice backyards. I just love it! The church is even a real running place of worship.

I can’t wait to go back so I can get some of those soaps and that cookbook filled with historical southern colonial Virginian recipes.


❤ Maria Magdeline